If you are trying to achieve your smile goals in a timely manner without facing dental issues, our Scott R. Adishian, DDS, Inc. team strongly recommends that you avoid using the following tooth-cleaning instruments:
Over-the-counter scalers
A scaler is a tool that can effectively remove the plaque and tartar from your smile, but it’s only safe if you know how to use it. If you purchase an over-the-counter scaler and use it incorrectly, your teeth can become chipped and sensitive and your gums can become irritated and infected. You might also suffer from gum abscesses and tooth sensitivity. Dental hygienists and dentists are the only people who should use this tool to clean your smile.
Hard-bristled toothbrushes
Hard-bristled toothbrushes are not as effective as they sound. In fact, they tend to wear the tooth enamel and irritate the gums each time you brush. The best tool to use while brushing your smile is a soft-bristled toothbrush. This instrument will thoroughly clean your teeth all while caring for your gums.
Products that are not approved by the ADA
The American Dental Association tests oral hygiene products for safety and effectiveness. If the product passes the test, it receives the ADA seal of approval. If you use oral hygiene tools that do not have this stamp, you could be putting your smile in danger.
These instruments can greatly damage your oral health in more ways than you think, which is why we recommend avoiding these tools at all costs. Your dentist, Dr. Scott R. Adishian, and our team care about you and your smile, and we want you to have the best dental experience possible. So, if you would like more information about the proper tools to use to clean your pearly whites, please feel free to call our dental office in Arcadia, California, at 626-796-3700. The sooner you call us, the sooner you’ll have your desired smile results!