Dental Crowns

What Is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a prosthetic tooth that usually sits atop a dental implant. Our traditional dental crowns are made of beautiful, high-quality porcelain that looks and feels like a natural tooth.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Our porcelain or ceramic crowns have the translucency and luster of natural teeth, and can serve a variety of functions, including:

  • Reinforcing a cracked, misshaped, or otherwise weakened tooth.
  • Providing extra support to a tooth with a large filling.
  • Fully restoring a worn-down tooth.

To learn more about whether or not a dental crown is the right restorative procedure for you, schedule an appointment with our office!

The Dental Crown Procedure

If you’ve got a cracked, discolored, misshapen, weakened, or otherwise damaged tooth, a dental crown may be the ideal solution. Here’s what you can expect when coming into our office to receive a dental crown:

  • First, we’ll numb the area around the tooth with a local anesthetic.
  • We’ll then take an impression of your tooth—what remains of it—so you we can construct a crown that fits it.
  • The impressions are sent to our laboratory and the crown is constructed. This process can take up to a couple weeks, and you’ll wear a temporary crown in the interim.
  • When it’s time to install your permanent crown, we’ll prepare your tooth by cleaning or filing it down as necessary.
  • Finally, we’ll install your permanent crown and you’ll have a complete, beautiful smile again!

If you have any questions or concerns about the dental crown installation procedure, don’t hesitate to give our office a call. We’ll do everything we can to help you feel safe and comfortable throughout the entire process.

Wear a Crown Every Day!

Dental crowns can help you look and feel great. Schedule your consultation today and let’s get started!

Before & Afters

Porcelain Crowns (Metal-Ceramic Combination)

Porcelain Crowns Before Replacement

Porcelain Crowns After Replacement

Porcelain Crowns (All-Ceramic)

BEFORE: Old Metal-Ceramic Crowns

AFTER: New All-Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic Crowns

BEFORE: Bulky, Unesthetic Metal-ceramic crowns

AFTER: All-Ceramic Crowns

BEFORE: Worn Teeth and Collapsed Bite

AFTER: Restored Teeth with Ceramic Crowns

Fixed Bridges

Fixed Bridge Replacing a Single Missing Back Tooth

Radiograph of Fixed Bridge Shown